Website structure is the basis of any resource. Proper development of the structure is important for promoting the resource in general, and for covering all search queries in the thematic niche in particular. It is quite common for two similar websites with the same theme and starting conditions to have radically different success rates. Basically, a resource with a thought-out, proper structure becomes successful and popular.

Why is it important to have the proper website structure?
The website structure is the mass of all its pages connected by logical, hierarchical links. All resource pages are interconnected, each refers to categories, subcategories, sections, and so on. The correct structure is important for resource navigation, the ultimate goal of which is to lead the user from the information received (which he found due to relevant search queries) to specific actions (purchase, order). It is logical that the website structure is closely related to its semantic core. If it is collected, you can begin to develop the foundation of the website in the form of its structure. The systematic approach to its formation will help to solve the following issues:
- Improve navigation, make it more convenient for the client;
- Improve page indexing;
- Eliminate technical errors, avoid duplicate pages;
- Reduce time and costs for further search engine optimization;
- Cover the maximum number of search queries, etc.
Preparatory steps are important. They will help to form a structure that will be most suitable for the project:
- Analysis of the business and the most successful competitors.
- Collection of search words and phrases (site semantics).
- Recommendations for creating the most complete and at the same time user-friendly structure.
The development of the website structure is conducted according to the following scheme (after the completion of the preparatory stages):
- Drawing up the structure in accordance with the page hierarchy – from the main page to sections, categories, product cards, blog and other technical pages.
- Designing a URL structure according to the collected semantics. At this stage, key and search words are also taken into account – that is why it is necessary to pre-collect the semantic core.
- Consultations with the client, possible solutions with relinking, creating additional landing pages, merging sections, etc.
- Transfer of the implemented structure of a web resource in the form of a block diagram. Possible participation by LuxSite specialists, expert technical support when the website is working or introducing a new structure into an already created website.
Ordering the development of the website structure from LuxSite means laying the foundation for the correct development of a web resource at the initial stages, which guarantees savings in the budget, efforts for further promotion and reaching the top of the search engine results.