Why Do You Need a SEO Website Audit?

What is SEO website analysis?

SEO website audit is the first step to make it work as efficiently as possible from the point of view of the search engine. In case you have noticed that the resource traffic has significantly decreased, there are fewer customers, and profits have dropped, LuxSite specialists will conduct a SEO analysis of your website, which is the first stage of optimization.

This is a set of studies that will dispel many questions, identify the weaknesses of the resource and provide an opportunity to form a strategy for its development and promotion on the network, depending on the tasks set by the customer. To do this, procedures including technical analysis, evaluation of the content, link mass, user friendliness, and analysis at the code level are carried out.

When to order a website audit

  • If you have just launched the website or are in the development stage. By ordering a SEO analysis in such a situation, you will take the most pragmatic path and insure yourself against mistakes in the future.
  • If you are already working online, but the project is not in the best condition. With the help of the analysis, you can quickly develop on the basis created earlier.
  • If you have been promoting online business for a long time, but there are no significant results.
  • If the website is functioning, but you understand that a number of factors hinder its development and increase of its ranking in the Google search results. A website audit will help determine the tactics for further development.
замовити аудит сайту

Stages of SEO audit

  1. Analysis of the technical condition. At this stage, SEO analysis concerns the internal structure of the web resource. Incorrect work of pages, incorrectly configured redirections, duplicated pages, problems with URL generation and other errors – all this affects traffic. Technical audit of the website is an important component of the analysis, on the basis of which further optimization actions are planned.
  2. A full-fledged internal SEO website audit is impossible without expert content analysis, which determines the uniqueness of texts, the relevance of keywords, meta tags, and other factors.
  3. Checking the compliance of the resource with the requirements of search engines (external SEO audit). The specialist will check the internal linking and external link mass (links to the website) for quality and other parameters. The level of visibility of pages in Google directly depends on this. Typical mistakes are combining different categories into one, incorrect filters, inaccuracies in creating directories. SEO analysis makes it possible to identify such errors and eliminate them in the future.
  4. A comprehensive analysis of the website is impossible without the software component. Automatic SEO analysis using programs includes automatic detection of errors that can cause a web resource to decrease in search engines. The presence of duplicates, checking the server response, the validity of the code and other parameters are analyzed within this stage.
  5. Usability is an important factor that professional SEO checks cannot ignore. The convenience of the website for the visitor, the customer is important to increase the ranking in search engine results.

Website audit – the cost depends on the amount of work

You can order a SEO audit for your website as a separate service. It is affected by the number of pages and the type of the website. If you are planning to start cooperation with LuxSite, this professional SEO service is included in the overall package.

In any case, the cost will be justified, since the search audit of websites is the first stage of a comprehensive promotion in organic search results and is essential for the successful launch of contextual advertising. As a result, you will receive an audit of an online store or website, which includes: analysis of the niche and competitive environment, collection of the most complete semantic core, seo web development or correction of the website structure, checking internal and external optimization, and also search engine sanctions, recommendations for content structuring, search engine reputation management, etc.